Common Conditions
Subacromial impingement, rotator cuff tears, calcific tendinitis, shoulder dislocations, sports shoulder injuries, frozen shoulder, arthritis of the shoulder, acromioclavicular joint injuries, clavicle & shoulder fracturesShoulder
Our specialist shoulder team works alongside a team of highly skilled physiotherapists to manage the whole spectrum of shoulder conditions. We diagnose, investigate and manage your condition. We provide surgical and non-interventional treatments as required. These are bespoke to you and your individual shoulder condition in order to get you the best possible outcome. We help to manage and co-ordinate your whole integrated treatment pathway from beginning to end and ensure that it is centred about you as the patient. Our surgical treatments include: arthroscopic (keyhole) shoulder surgery for impingement, rotator cuff repair, shoulder instability surgery, shoulder capsular release, shoulder & clavicle fracture surgery and shoulder replacement surgery.